Local physicians have entrusted their patients’ care to Michigan Community VNA since 1898. When your doctor decides that care at home is right for you, our skilled and experienced team works closely with you and your family. We not only give you the care you need, we help you understand your condition so you can manage your health and get on with your life.
Home health care professionals from Michigan Community VNA (MC VNA) make hundreds of house calls every month. Our experienced nurses, physical and occupational therapists and other health care professionals bring the care you need to your home. You’ll receive all the expert services your doctor orders, plus we’ll make sure you have the information and tools you need to stay on top of your health. In many cases, home health care is an alternative to hospitalization or enables you to return home from the hospital sooner. And, it’s typically a less expensive, more comfortable and convenient way to get the care you need.

& occupational
health aide
Michigan Community VNA offers a full range of in-home care based on what your doctor thinks is best for you. The type and frequency of care you receive are prescribed by your doctor, whether it’s to recuperate after surgery, regain strength after an injury, recover from an illness or learn to manage a chronic condition like diabetes or heart disease.