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Michigan Community VNA (MC VNA) is proud to carry on the legacy of Alice Bowen who launched VNA in the Metro Detroit area in 1898—becoming the first home care organization to serve Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties and one of the oldest Visiting Nurse Associations in the nation. Now we are servicing 10 counties – Clinton, Eaton, Genesee, Ingham, Jackson,

Lapeer, Livingston, Macomb, Oakland, Shiawassee, Washtenaw and Wayne!

During a history that spans more than 120 years we’ve grown, but our commitment remains the same—to provide the highest quality care with compassion, skill and integrity. And we go well beyond just offering “services.” Whether in the home, workplace or in the community, we help empower people to prevent disease and injury, manage chronic conditions, maintain independence and control how they’re going to transition from life.

We’ll never stop building on our history of excellence in home health care, hospice and wellness/prevention services, adding the latest technologies, programs and therapies that improve care and enhance convenience.

Today, the MC VNA family numbers more than 100, and growing. Our team includes registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, physical therapists and physical therapy assistants, social workers, occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants, speech therapists, dietitians, nurse practitioners, spiritual care and bereavement specialists and massage therapists, a volunteer coordinator, and top-notch support staff.

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Our Team

Empowering healing, independence and wellness since 1898.

Michigan Community VNA is committed to improving the health care delivery system in our area.
We dedicate ourselves and our organization to maintain the basic integrity of our patients.

We at Michigan Community VNA believe that the delivery of quality home health and primary care services is an
important part of addressing the presence of pain and suffering in our society. By delivering quality patient care we

are helping to create wholeness in lives that are characterized by physical and emotional disease. Consequently,

Michigan Community VNA is committed to delivering patient care that not only expresses human compassion, but

also exemplifies the highest quality of professional and paraprofessional standards. Because we focus on

compassionate and high quality patient care, we regard the needs of our patients.

The manner in which we achieve our mission is as vital as the mission itself. 

The fundamentals to success for Michigan
Community VNA
 are the following basic values demonstrated in our corporate decisions, planning,

and client relations.

Michigan Community VNA VNA is committed to the delivery of quality service through intensive programs carried

out in the home by skilled nurses, home health aides, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech

pathologists, clinical social workers, the support of the leadership team.

Michigan Community VNA adheres to a personal and professional code
of ethics culminating in honest, legal, and dignified business activities.




Michigan Community VNA has developed a plan for long-term financial viability through a

program of controlled growth.

Michigan Community VNA promotes and maintains a positive and professional environment for the skilled nurses,

home health aides, physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech pathologists, clinical social workers and

support personnel engaged in patient care activities.  This environment provides individual growth and development opportunities.  As a family, the staff of Michigan Community VNA can provide the best quality, compassionate

medical care possible to all our clients.









Michigan Community VNA Hospice LLC complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.  Michigan Community VNA Hospice LLC does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.  Michigan Community VNA Hospice LLC provides free aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as qualified sign language interpreters and written materials in other formats (e.g. large print, audio, accessible electronic formats).  Michigan Community VNA Hospice LLC provides free language services to people whose primary language is not English such as qualified interpreters and information written in other languages.  If you need these services, contact the Section 504/ADA Coordinator/Section 1557 Civil Rights Coordinator at 800-852-1232.  If you believe that Michigan Community VNA Hospice LLC has failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex you can file a grievance with Vicki Welty, CEO, 30800 Telegraph Road, Suite 1728, Bingham Farms, MI 48025, Phone: 800-852-1232, Fax: 248-967-8741. You can file a grievance in person or by phone, fax, mail, or email.  If you need help filing a grievance, Vicki Welty is available to help you. 

You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights, electronically through the Office of Civil Rights Compliant Portal, available at, or by mail or phone at: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue SW, Room 509F, HHH Building, Washington, DC 2020; 1-800-368-1019, 800-537-7697(TDD)

Better Care Starts with You!
Contact Us




OKEMOS, MI 48864.

P: 517.347.7350

F: 517.347.7360



SUITE 1728
P: 800.852.1232
F: 248.967.8741

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